An Unbiased Comparison between Fiberglass and Concrete Pools

An Unbiased Comparison between Fiberglass and Concrete Pools

Fiberglass and Concrete PoolsIf you’re considering installing a pool in your residence, then it’s quite possible that you’ve been researching all the aspects regarding this project. If this is true, you’ve probably noticed that there’s an ongoing battle between concrete and fiberglass swimming pools. There’s a big chance that all information and articles you’ve read about these two choices have, at least subtly, tried to lure you to opt for one option or the other. Well, not today! Here, you’ll have a unique opportunity to compare fiberglass and concrete pools, evaluate the pros and cons of both choices and finally make a smart decision regarding your installation. So, without further ado, we present to you an unbiased comparison of the two most popular swimming pool types.


If there’s one thing that people don’t seem to understand, it’s definitely the fact that this ongoing debate between concrete and fiberglass pools is going to end with no apparent winners. The reason for this is quite simple: neither of these swimming pools are better than the other. Their characteristics, aspects and other factors in their manufacturing process make them different. This being said, it’s important to realize that these pools don’t differ in quality, and what you’ll choose depends solely on your personal affinities and the requirements you have regarding the pool installation.

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Fiberglass and Concrete Pools

Fiberglass Pools

Although fiberglass pools are a relativity new finding, they have gained quite the recognition over the course of years. Of course, even with their sudden popularity, they still constitute for just 7% of the market.


There are many benefits of choosing fiberglass pools, of which the most important ones are certainly the fact that they’re easily maintainable and don’t require expensive repairs. They’re also a great choice if you’re searching for quality inground swimming pools, characterized by quick installation and a smooth finish. Fiberglass pools also come in a variety of colours, which can be another deciding factor.


The sole reason why fiberglass pools are sometimes notorious is there is a limited choice of size, depth and shape. So if you’re looking to install something spacious and extravagant that’ll add an opulent vibe to your backyard, perhaps it’s better to avoid fiberglass pools. On the other hand, a smaller pool doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing; if you have a limited amount of space in your backyard, choosing a fiberglass pool might just be a better solution.

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Fiberglass and Concrete Pools

Concrete Pools

Certainly, the most common type of manufactured swimming pools today is concrete pools, with approximately 60% of manufactured pools being made from this material. The excavation site used for the pool is supported with steel so it would provide a steady foundation.


One of the biggest advantages of concrete pools is definitely the fact that they’re quite customizable. They’re the best option if you’re looking to create a complete natural scenery in your backyard, embellished with natural stones, rocks and even a beach entry. They’re also a good choice if you’re looking for a specific shape or depth of the pool. Concrete is known as the best option for creating bigger-sized pools, especially if you’re looking to add a diving board to your installation.

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Of course, like everything, concrete pools also have certain disadvantages. The biggest fault of concrete pools is the cost of repairs, but also the fact that they require a fair amount of maintenance. Another aspect that might be troubling is the fact that concrete doesn’t have a smooth surface, which can be repelling for some, especially for families with children.

So, are you ready to make your decision or are you still contemplating? Certainly, pool installation can be a big project and it requires a fair amount of planning. The key is to choose a pool that fits your needs and desires and that’s going to suit you in every aspect. There are many factors to consider and once you evaluate your preferences, you’ll easily make the final choice.

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