Tips for Northern Virginia Homebuyers

Tips for Northern Virginia Homebuyers

Northern Virginia HOMEBUYERS

Buying a new home in Northern Virginia is one of the biggest investments you can make. As there is a lot riding on the decision, you cannot afford any mistakes when making your choice. Before making a final decision, Northern  Virginia homebuyers need to consider several factors.

To help in this new home process, here are Homes Re-Imagined’s tips for Northern Virginia homebuyers hoping to find a perfect fit:

Be Proactive

Getting an early jumpstart on your home loan approvals will save you time and energy, as going through the process will help you to define your budget parameters. Once you have a price range you know you are able to afford, you will be able to home in on Northern Virginia homes that fall within your budget while eliminating those homes that are outside of the range.

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Understand the New Neighborhood

Part of the assessment that goes into determining the value of the home is influenced by the particular Northern Virginia neighborhood the home is in. Strong school systems and hospitals are seen as value enhancers, while an extended commute to your office might be a negative. Understanding whether the neighborhood is on the up and up can also help you to make a sound decision, as your investment will ideally rise alongside the growth of the area.

Get a Home Inspection

Before signing on the dotted line, make sure you have the home professionally inspected. When you fall in love with a home it is easy to put blinders on while assessing the overall condition, turning a blind eye to issues that you cannot afford to overlook. A home inspection will cover all of the details, bringing to light any problems that were either overlooked or required a professional’s eye. If something is found, you can communicate your concern to the seller with the options of a possible price reduction or other negotiating point. If the seller is unwilling to budge, it is time to move on.

Solid Value-for-Money Relationship

Bigger does not always mean better when you are buying your new home. Take inventory of your needs and work to align them with the homes you are looking for. If you are just starting out on the path to home ownership, a smaller home that suits your family and is affordable is a much better decision than a bigger home that your family can grow in to but is currently beyond your price range.

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Northern Virginia homebuyers have a number of options when searching for their new home. But take the time to get your paperwork in order and research the areas you are interested in, and be disciplined in your process ensuring that the home is in good shape and within your price range.

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